LeadingAge Minnesota

The Ask

LeadingAge Minnesota, the state association for aging services and housing providers engaged Aging Dynamics to design and facilitate a three-day Board retreat, the first fully in-person retreat since the COVID-19 pandemic.


The goal of the retreat was to identify strategic directions for the association for the next year by creating a space:

  1. Reconnecting with providers from across the state

  2. Exploring what it means to shift from crisis to stabilization to growth

  3. Evaluating the progress of ongoing strategic initiatives

  4. Sharing innovations in the field and opportunities for collaboration

Our Approach

Aging Dynamics designed a three-day retreat in collaboration with the Executive Director and Chair of the Board to meet the expectations and needs of the Association. Knowing the culture of the organization the agenda integrated fun both through facilitated group activities and open outdoor recreation time. Utilizing a variety of active facilitation techniques, Rachel Cohen led the group through dynamic discussions designed to engage a diverse audience in discussing practices and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic identifying what to bring forward and what to leave behind. The result of the retreat was a consensus on the strong foundation of resources, programs, expertise, and opportunities in place and the need to support members in their efforts to continue to advance the aging services sector.


Innovations in Aging Collaborative: Age-Friendly Pikes Peak


Hunger Free Golden