Age-Friendly Communities
Aging in Jefferson County, Colorado, Colorado Gives Foundation
Older Adults and Social Engagement, Senior Corps Conference
It’s Not Your Granny’s Flat Anymore: How to Design and Sustain Age-Friendly Communities, Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute Conference
Bringing it Home: Understanding the Trends and Models of Providing Care in the Home, LeadingAge Iowa Conference
The Basics of Age-Friendly, Age Friendly Through an Intergenerational Lens
Actions and Ideas for Collaboration, Age Friendly Through an Intergenerational Lens
Strategic Planning
Ending the Tyranny of Strategic Planning, Colorado Nonprofit Association conference
Don’t Be Left Behind, Evolving Your Aging Business, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging conference
Intergenerational Connections/Programming
Creative Aging Convening: Connecting Generations: Intergenerational Programming and Practices, Denver Art Museum
Connecting Generations: Intergenerational Programming and Practices In (and out) of a Museum Setting, American Association of Museums
Intergenerational Conversations, Changing the Narrative + LinkAGES
Power of Intergenerational Programming, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Magic of Intergenerational Connection, American Society on Aging
Intergenerational Technology Models, Grantmakers in Aging
Intergenerational Storytelling, Think360 Colorado Creative Aging Institute
Building Collaborations
Power Isn’t a Dirty Word, Colorado Nonprofit Association conference
The Power of Partnership, LeadingAge Colorado