Age-Friendly Jefferson County

A young woman holds a microphone up to an older woman who sits next to her. They're both laughing.

Age friendly communities are built to be accessible and welcoming for all people of all ages to participate in society.

The Initial Ask

Age-Friendly Jefferson County Colorado logo with outlined mountains

In 2020, Age-Friendly Jefferson County engaged Aging Dynamics to facilitate community listening sessions. Age-Friendly Jefferson County seeks to become a designated age-friendly community. To do so, they were developing a strategic plan with actionable steps for diverse stakeholder groups. 

The Pivot

After attending a number of Age-Friendly steering committee meetings, it became evident that Age-Friendly Jefferson County could benefit from broader facilitation to develop a comprehensive vision, strategy, and action plan. The planning process was an opportunity to co-design a vision and align the efforts of existing and new workgroups. Due to COVID-19 planned in-person community listening sessions were canceled and we needed to get creative for community engagement. 

The Solution

Age-Friendly Jefferson County expanded our scope and our deliverables included:

  • Facilitation of steering committee

  • Guidance to working groups for the development of high-level strategies

  • Completion of interviews with organizations, municipalities, and community champions

  • Dissemination and analysis of a survey of individual residents

  • Design and development of the full strategic plan and implementation plan (below) for all stakeholders involved including community members, policymakers, and several levels of the food ecosystem

A photograph of Red Rocks, you can see Denver in the distance.

2021-2023 Action Plan: Age-Friendly Jefferson County Colorado

Aging Dynamics is proud to present this action plan made possible by Age-Friendly Jefferson County, Jefferson County Human Services, community members, and working groups.


Denver Art Museum


Community First Foundation