Age-Friendly Jefferson County

Age friendly communities are places where you can grow up and grow older while fully accessing and engaging with your community.
The Initial Ask
In 2020, Age-Friendly Jefferson County engaged Aging Dynamics to facilitate community listening sessions. Age-Friendly Jefferson County sought to become a designated age-friendly community. To do so, they were developing a strategic plan with actionable steps for diverse stakeholder groups.
The Pivot
After attending a number of Age-Friendly steering committee meetings, it became evident that Age-Friendly Jefferson County could benefit from broader facilitation to develop a comprehensive vision, strategy, and action plan. The planning process was an opportunity to co-design a vision and align the efforts of existing and new workgroups. Due to COVID-19 planned in-person community listening sessions were canceled and virtual community engagement through interviews and a community-wide survey were utilized.
The Solution
Age-Friendly Jefferson County expanded our scope and our deliverables included:
Facilitation of steering committee;
Guidance to working groups for the development of high-level strategies;
Completion of interviews with organizations, municipalities, and community champions;
Dissemination and analysis of a survey of individual residents; and
Design and development of the full strategic plan and implementation plan (below) for all stakeholders involved including community members, policymakers, and several levels of the food ecosystem.